Monday, May 31, 2010

Question of the Day #572

In the tiny Vermont town where my mother lives, a parade was held today. Sixteen veterans marched. About half had served in World War II. Many walked with difficulty, but great pride.

I am grateful for the people who fight for our freedom. And today I'll pray for them and their families.

What would you like to share about Memorial Day?

*Photo courtesy of Jeffrey Mather, Rochester, VT


  1. It is good to take time out to remember and yet the sacrifices still go on.
    Some day, I pray, there will be peace.

  2. Today I posted Lincoln's Gettysburg Address on my blog, because I think it is the most eloquent statement made about lives lost in war. I wish there was no war, but those who sacrifice their lives deserve respect.

  3. All of these memorial day posts are really making miss the small town where I grew up. We had a parade every year. hell, my town is still one of the few places to still celebrate victory over japan! (yes it was that backwards lol) I agree, those men and women that serve our country deserve our respect and appreciation.

  4. Happy Memorial Day! We don't have it here in the UK but it's such an important reminder to savour our freedom.

  5. Such a great photo. Those vets amaze me. My latest blog post honors veterans. I'd love it if you checked it out!

  6. To the families of those who lost their loved ones, thank you for your sacrifices.Brave men died for their fellow men. Happy memorial Day!

  7. Beautiful picture. I almost moved to Vermont when I was younger. I am so grateful for those who have given their lives in service, as well as those who have served, are still serving, and will serve.


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