Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Question of the Day #552

My mother told me that as I'd get older I'd feel smarter. That is true. Besides getting smarter, I also think I've become more appreciative. More appreciative of quality time with friends. More appreciative of small gestures like birthday cards or when someone asks to read my work.

As I've gotten older I've also learned to say "no." If I don't want to do something, I don't do it. If I don't want someone in my life, I don't just put up with them because I don't want to make them feel bad. Life is short, we should spend it doing things we love with people we love, right?

What do you like most about getting older?



  1. Not caring what people think of me anymore. Not needing to make everyone else happy. Not trying to please all the people all of the time.

  2. You said it perfectly (though, I'm still working on the 'no' thing!!). :-)

  3. I agree with the above. I haven't really cared much about the opinions of others in a long time. But I think the best thing about getting older is the feeling of accomplishment. When I was younger I used to think that getting married and having kids was the end all-be all and that's what I was striving for- Just finding 'the one' and founding a family. Now that we've been married seven years and have three kids, I realise that life has really only just begun. I've now 'been there, done that' and I'm ready to have my family, and be my own person with my own goals and interests. It's a great feeling.

  4. If there is an upside to getting old (er), I'd have to go with: confidence. I'm learning not to judge myself too much. I still have some road to travel, but the journey gets easier with age.

    Love your questions of the day :-)

  5. Clarity and comfort in being me. I honestly feel like a big weight has been lifted.

  6. The wisdom of knowing that I may not know what I think I know.
    Increased patience.
    To know what it is like to truly forgive and forget.
    Handling the curve balls better.
    A stronger sense of self.

  7. Knowing myself better and being comfortable with who I am.

  8. All good advice & learnings from everyone!! :-)

  9. I think I am smarter in some ways, but my mind is mushier in others. :)
    I am much more appreciative as I grow older.

  10. I love getting older...for all the reason you stated. I especially love the 'feeling smarter' part, the confidence, being OK with me. I love every bit of it (except the gray hair)!

  11. Nobody's looking at me, so it's okay if I don't wear makeup or my "good" jeans. I mean, I still can and do, but the pressure's off on my appearance.

    (And at some level, I also realize that the pressure was never really on.)

  12. Just wisdom, in general. One thing I enjoy is knowing not to sweat the small stuff. I think it's easier to blow things out of proportion when we're younger. As you get older, it's just as easy to blow those things off.

  13. Oh, I couldn't have said it better myself. For me, the best part about getting older is that I don't have to accept everyone into my life. I stick with those that bring me joy. Like you said: life is too short to waste time with things we don't love.


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