Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Question of the Day #546

My friend N made me dinner last night. As we sat down to eat, she lit candles on the table.

"I believe in candles on the table," she said.

I got that. I started to think about all the things I'd list after "I believe."

I believe in Sunday Night Dinners, roadtrips with the top down and late night porch talk. I believe in keeping secrets in the vault. I believe that what goes around really does come around. I believe that if you work hard enough, you'll get where you want to be. I believe in thinking big. I believe in the law of attraction. I believe in real food and good sheets. I believe in watching sunsets. I believe in smiling at strangers. I believe that stopping to chat with an elderly person is one of the most valuable things I can do.

I could go on forever.

But what about you. How would you fill in the blank?

I believe ___________________.



  1. I believe in love.

    I believe you get what you pay for.

    I believe in fate.

    I believe you get what's coming to you.

    I believe when we die, we all go to the same place and all the questions I ever had in our entire lives are all answered once & for all.

  2. I believe in saying "thank you" and I believe in recognizing people for good stuff.

  3. I believe in many things one of them are the love for my children.

  4. I believe in keeping in touch with old friends.

  5. I believe a person can have lots of soul mates but only one true love.
    I believe in Heaven.
    I believe in good manners and common sense.
    I believe in blowing bubbles and jumping on the bed.
    I believe that it takes a village to raise a child.
    I believe in mud pies and fingerpaints and the joy that they bring.
    I believe in prayer and kharma.
    I believe that good friends eventually become family.
    I believe in God.
    I believe my list is getting too long...;)

  6. I believe that children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way. :)

  7. Great answers!

    Besides believing in God, I believe in spending time with grandparents. Camping. Relaxing at the beach. Listening to music real loud. Loving what makes us different from one another, instead of celebrating conformity. Quiet time alone. Going to bed early sometimes, sleeping in others.

    I think my list could go on all day if I let it.

    Great question, Suzanne! : )

  8. Beautiful question and I have read and reread all the comments and I believe in all of them EXCEPT brussel sprouts :)
    Kudos to the believers. Wonderful question and even more wonderful answers. I'll check back later for more.

  9. I believe in time with loved ones. I believe wonderful weather. I believe in falling stars and the wonderous places they fall!

  10. I believe in books printed on paper.
    I believe in writers.
    I believe in reader.
    I believe that that there are no "....people so small they cannot offer mighty comfort." (line from 14 COWS FOR AMERICA by Carmen Agra Deedy)

    I believe in sharing.
    I believe in my family.
    I believe in love.

  11. I believe the past does not define you.

    I believe in big ol' belly laughs.

    I believe in naps.

    I believe a child's laugh can brighten anyone's day.

    I believe in throwing caution to the wind.

    I believe in good conversation and honest debating.

    I believe in divine intervention.

    I believe in simplicity.

  12. I believe in swordfish.

  13. I believe in faith
    I believe in family
    I believe in soft touches and kind hands
    I believe that life if hard but worth living
    I believe that there is still hope.


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