Monday, August 10, 2009

Question of the Day #278

Do you have trouble sleeping?



  1. Not these days. The only time I really have trouble is when I'm worried about something. My boyfriend is a night owl, though, so I rarely get eight hours of sleep. I've found being sleep deprived means when I do hit the sack, I'm out immediately!

  2. Interesting that this was posted @ 4:58AM. I almost never have trouble sleeping. (Sometimes, however, my snoring causes problems for my wife.)

  3. Oh dear...are you stressed out? I love sleeping and can sleep anywhere, car, couch, airplane etc. However, when it comes to sleeping at night in my bed.....I can't seem to do it.

  4. Sometimes, but only because I have three kids and two dogs that interrupt my sleep occasionally! Last night I couldn't sleep because I have an interview today and I haven't had a job interview since I was 21!

  5. YES! I used to be able to sleep anywhere, anytime. Not anymore.

  6. Yes. I've had trouble sleeping since I was a kid. Now it's a little better. But I have bouts with insomnia more aften than not. I envy people who sleep well.

  7. I'm pretty sure I haven't slept through the night since before I got pregnant. Like, HK, I've always had bouts of insomnia but now I've gotten used to waking every 2 or 3 hours. I don't like it but I've gotten used to it. My daughter, on the other hand, has slept soundly through the night since she was about 4 weeks old.

  8. Yes. I have a lot of trouble getting to sleep. Especially lately, which I attribute to our lazy, summer days.

  9. Constantly. I can fall asleep but can't stay asleep.

  10. Ever since becoming a mom - no. It's a little frightening how soundly I sleep now.

    The only things that keep me awake from time to time are caffeine, if consumed too late in the day (as was done last night), or N's snoring if he falls asleep before me.

  11. Not at all, so long as the cat stays off my face and the kids stay out of my bed. My problem is making myself actually get in bed.

  12. Not lately -- but I do have a bad habit of waking up in the middle of the night. That gets old. Lately though, I've been sleeping well, so that's good. Real good.

  13. depends on how much booze i have before i hit the sheets.


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