Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Question of the Day #1,095

In a zombie apocalypse, what would be in your survival kit?



  1. Beer, (lots of beer) wine, and a bunch of doobies. Maybe even offer them some.

  2. Oh and my father-in-law's homemade machete.

  3. Not unlike when I travel, a few snacks, an extra change of underpants, and some Excedrin. But also a zombie costume, and a copy of Michael Jackson's thriller video - maybe try to fit in and teach them some moves. And just to be safe, a copy of the Zombie Survival Guide (to which will be taped a list of all my friends who know WAY more about zombies than I do).

  4. I'm not sure I want to survive a zombie apocalypse but if I did I would love to see Simply V teach them some thumping MJ moves.

  5. Oh creepy. But I guess the whole scenario is pretty creepy. survival kit? My iPhone (because I'm sure there's some helpful app I could use against the zombies or at least I could google "how to survive a zombie apocalypse), a couple of juice boxes and some peanut butter crackers.

  6. I saw part of the movie HOCUS POCUS the other day and seem to remember the Zombie had very bad breath. I'd pack Altoids. Maybe the minty fresh would help their moods too!

  7. My bare hands. Heh.
    Seriously, I'd take to an axe.

  8. After watching Shaun of the Dead, my teenage daughter reassured me that she would take care of me in a zombie apocalypse - and named her "team," our destination, and our weapons. When I noted that seemed to have a plan, she deadpanned back, "Oh, you have no idea."


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