Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Question of the Day #1,081

Have you ever sleepwalked?



  1. Only once when I was a kid. I think.

  2. Nope. Not that I'm aware of.

    Could this be a good defense? I wonder.

  3. Hellz yeah. We actually had to double deadbolt the lock when I was a kid because I would walk into the street and lie down on the road. Not safe. LOL

  4. No. I was more of a sleep talker than a sleep walker. My daughter has sleepwalked twice, and it totally freaks me out.

  5. No, but I fell out of bed a couple of times as a kid. And I also had this tendency to wind up at the foot of the bed under the covers and wake up completely disoriented, get panicky, start yelling and ripping the covers away which caused further entanglement and more panic. (I laugh now but it was scary back then.)

  6. NO.

    Nor have I ever seen anyone sleepwalk. I think it'd be spooky and unsettling, seeing the subconscious take over the physical.

  7. Often as a pre-teen/teenager. Thank goodness I outgrew the habit before college!

  8. Some days I have felt like I was sleepwalking ;)

  9. I used to do it as a young child.I think it stopped around age 8.

  10. Yes, in the 70s after we'd drove all night to get to Las Vegas. I left our hotel room and wandered around. I found myself outside of the hotel right as a helicopter landed and Elvis got out. No joke. I went back into the hotel, but didn't know my room number, so I had to ask at the desk. Fortunately, they told me what room my mom was in. If this happened today, I don't know if they'd be willing to give that info out. To this day, no one in my family believed I saw Elvis. (Although we saw him in concert that same night).

  11. No, I haven't. Sleepwalking doesn't sound fun.


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