Monday, October 24, 2011

Question of the Day #1,093

In honor of Halloween, I'm going ask some scary questions this week. [Insert scary cackle.]

When I was a kid, I loved all things scary. Horror movies, ghost stories, and Stephen King novels. I read Carrie, Pet Sematary and Salem's Lot before I graduated from middle school.

Now, as an adult, I find that for the most part, life is scary enough. I don't need to add terrifying books to it.

What about you? Have you read any Stephen King novels? How do you feel about scary stories?



  1. I never liked scary things and still don't, but my kids used to absolutely love scary movies -the scarier the better. You're right, life is scary enough.

  2. I read so many Stephen King books when I was in college and in my twenties. But now I don't watch or read horror so much...
    I want to watch the new American Horror show on f/x, but I'm afraid to!! But I think I might because I heard it's creepy but good.

  3. Mostly, I don't do horror (I get freaked) but I do like scary, and I love Halloween. I think I can deal with fantasy monsters better than human ones.

  4. I got halfway through "Under the Dome" and had to skip to the end.

  5. Never read a Stephen King novel. Scary stories aren't really my thing. Although, I'm currently reading Frankenstein in an effort to be festive this week. :D

  6. I'm not a fan of the scary. I read The Exorcist when I was 20 and my parents were away on vacation. I screamed every time I heard a noise in the house.

  7. You sure have asked a lot of questions!!

    I've read a lot of Stephen King, but not lately. The last was the Gunslinger series, which wasn't really scary. I don't like scary movies unless it's suspenseful psychological scary. No guts and gore and stupid monsters or vampires for me.

  8. I like scary things, but Children of the Corn really freaks me out, even now...

  9. Scary stories, I read once in awhile. As for Stephen King, though, I like the movies of his books better than the books themselves. I get impatient with horror.

  10. I think some of King's stories are good, but I'm not a fan of scary movies. I'm a screamer.

  11. I am insanely scared of scary things ... and Stephen King ... heck no!!! Hah :p


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