Thursday, March 3, 2011

Question of the Day #856

When I slide my closet door open, the shoe mound on the floor shifts. I snatch up the box of envelopes in the laundry basket and pop it into the office supply box in the back on the left. The clothes hang so tightly together that I can barely tell sweaters from pants.

Little by little, my closet has become a disaster.

What do you need to clean out?



  1. The area around my desk. Then the closet. Or maybe first the closet, so I can move all the junk around my desk up to the closet. ; )

  2. We have a closet in the spare bedroom (our/my office/writing space) that needs serious work. Too many boxes. Both hubby and I seem to have this thing about collecting boxes. Never know when we'll need one....

  3. MY CLOSETS. It's been on my list for about 2 years.

  4. My melon, it seems as cluttered as your closet lately.

  5. Our office closet ... but I'm too frightened to begin!

  6. Our garage. But that's par for the course each spring here.

  7. My closet. I need a shoe organizer and a purse organizer and a small set of shelves.

  8. I just need to clean -- period! I tried to vacuum yesterday and the stupid thing started smoking! I guess that will have to wait until Rick can look at it. Personally, I think it's God way of telling me the floor is okay for another day or two. ;)


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