Thursday, October 21, 2010

Question of the Day #723

Blogging is awesome, but it takes time. It doesn't take all that much time to post a question every day - although it does takes a lot of thought to conjur up something blog-worthy. It's visiting other people's blogs that can suck up days at a time.

I love to read other people's musings, thoughts on writing and cool links but I feel like I never have enough time to read them all.

What do you feel like there's never enough time for?



  1. I really like reading blogs, too, and I'm wondering how those bloggers have time to post such well-written and interesting thoughts. And then some include really cool music or other interesting happenings around the world and I wonder, "how do people find out about this?" And then I wonder,"How much are they really working at work?"

    Thanks for the question(s), Suz!

  2. There's never enough time to read books! I'm almost jealous of my friends in NY who take the train to work every day b/c they have 2 hours a day to read books!

  3. Unfortunately I don't have time to answer right now but I'll get back to you.

  4. Rest and leisure. I wake up, work, get the kid on the bus, go to work, drive to pick up kid at daycare, drive home, cook dinner, eat, take care of household tasks, get kid in bed, get ready for bed....back up the train and start it all over the next day.

  5. These days? Everything. Not enough time to read. To blog. To read other people's blogs. To write. To exercise. I swear, I thought a "part-time" job would be better, but then I got a full time family (not complaining) and EVERYTHING is getting shafted of time. Sigh.

  6. PS - Thanks for the internal link...and the links to two cool blogs. One I knew about, the other I've added to my blog roll. xo

  7. Oh my! Thanks for linking me. :D
    I'm having more and more trouble keeping up these days as I find interesting blogs. It's hard to visit many, but I do try. For one thing, I enjoy reading what other writers have to say. Really, my life has expanded in good ways by visiting blogs. But I still have to write my books, read other books, step out and look at the sky.

  8. Housework. But then, I don't really want to spend any more time on it.

  9. OMG, so much!!!! Unfortunately lately my writing, visiting blogs, and good fun time with the kids. I will be back hopefully on a regular schedule in a week or two!

  10. Never enough time for the garden. Never.


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