Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Question of the Day #447

If someone gave you $10,000 today, what would you do with it?

(This may sound conservative, but I'd save it. For me, cash has been hard to come by lately.)



  1. Unfortunately, $10,000.00 doesn't go far. I guess I'd set aside $5000 for self-employment tax (if it was that sort of payout), make an IRA contribution for 2009 (since it's looking like none's going in this year), then bank the rest for when property tax time rolls around in a couple months. Depressing but true!!!

  2. I have one daughter in college and another considering it, so it would probably have to go towards that. Wouldn't go far, but it would help.

  3. I'd use it for my daughter's daycare...and it still wouldn't cover an entire years tuition. It is really sad that 10K doesn't cover much these days.

  4. Well, having just taken my daughter to the orthodontist today, I'd have to say that it would go straight to her little 10 year old mouth.

  5. Get completely out of debt!!! ah that would feel good!

  6. To think that I remember when $1,000 was called a "cool grand"!

  7. I'd either invest in a movie of my own or pay off debt. And once the debt was paid off, I just might have enough to buy something of a McDonald's Value Menu. What d'ya think, double cheeseburger or medium fry?

  8. Pay some debt. Now, if debt was paid off and I didn't have to worry about paying for 3 children to eventually go to college, I'd take a trip somewhere warm. Lazy and warm. Ahhhhh!

  9. Put it towards my mortgage principal. Or put it towards my kitchen renovation.


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