Sunday, October 18, 2009

Question of the Day #347

Today I served beer to crazed football fans. My east coast friends consider Sunday family day. I normally spend Sunday hanging out with friends.

What does Sunday mean to you?



  1. My husband is off on Mondays, so he's got me all mixed up when it comes to Sundays.

  2. It depends on the Sunday but nothing is preset. Sometimes I hang out and read, sometimes I clean the house, sometimes I just hang and do nothing.

  3. I think of it as family day or free day - it's the only day we have with nothing that's scheduled.

  4. Depends on the week! This Sunday was a christening, next Sunday is a yard cleanup and errand day. But usually it's a "driving home from wherever we spent the weekend" day. It all depends! :-)

  5. Time with the kids, pumpkin patches and stuff, but today I was traveling through Houston and PHX, airports for business. Nightmare...


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