Sunday, January 9, 2011

Question of the Day #803

I don't want to jinx anything, but ever since I kissed 2010 goodbye, I've been feeling better. A lot more positive. And strangely, good things seem to be coming my way.

So far, how are you feeling about 2011?



  1. Mixed, economy is still horrible my industry isn't coming back for years. But that has made me look into starting my own business and some other things I really want to do. I was making decent money in construction and had tons of freedom but I still have dreams and now I feel I have to pursue them, I can't be complacent and procrastinate anymore. It's a mixed bag, get back to me in six months.

  2. I'm feeling very great about 2011 so far. The last few months of 2010, I was really starting to focus on being more positive, and that's carried over into this year. I'm loving 2011!

  3. Im with carlos above, too early too tell yet.

  4. every year away from the core, whether it be 9/11 ( ten year anniversary coming up) or the recession is a step towards the better. We need to hang in there and keep fighting, thats what we do and thats why this country is great.

  5. I have felt an electric energy every time I have thought about this year. It is going to be GREAT! The more people who believe that, the greater it is going to be, too. And, so far, so good!

  6. Thus far, I've been too sick to think about it!

  7. Personally, good. On a larger, national scale, kind of afraid.

  8. I'm loving so far. Feels comfortable. I love starting a new year...all about moving on.

  9. It HAS to be better than 2010 :-) (And, I've lost 6 pounds so far...WOOT!)

  10. Well compared to 2010 anything would be an improvement. 2010 was the worst year for me ever. From IRS audits to transmission problems I just want to get it all behind me. That being said, 2011 is starting out pretty good. I am blogging again. :)


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