Friday, July 10, 2009

Question of the Day #247

Thanks to Le Nez, we're going for the Either / Or today!

1. Chocolate or peanut butter?

2. Summer or winter?

3. North or south?

4. East or west?

5. Wild party or quiet night in? (Another quiet night in might put me over the edge.)

6. Roses or tulips?

7. SUV or convertible?

8. Song or dance? (How can you not want both? They go together!)

9. Mountains or beach?

10. Hot or cold?

My answers are in italics. What are yours?



  1. 1. Chocolate or peanut butter? Peanut butter, neither really, but if I have to choose ...

    2. Summer or winter? Summer

    3. North or south? South

    4. East or west? West

    5. Wild party or quiet night in? Quiet night in

    6. Roses or tulips? Tulips

    7. SUV or convertible? SUV, I like the big and up high.

    8. Song or dance? Song, as long as I'm not the one singing.

    9. Mountains or beach? Beach

    10. Hot or cold? Hot

  2. Hahahaha!!! Well at least these either or situational questions aren't between two different deaths/excruciating pains to endure!!! My brother -in-law once asked me if I'd rather smell toe jam or eat someone's booger. Gag me.

    1. Chocolate or peanut butter? Chocolate

    2. Summer or winter? Winter when I'm with someone I like!!!

    3. North or south? North

    4. East or west? West (put the last two together and you'll have where I want to live!!! Helloooooo Pacific Northwest!!!)

    5. Wild party or quiet night in? (Another quiet night in might put me over the edge.) Wild party with friends!!

    6. Roses or tulips? Tulips

    7. SUV or convertible? MY SUV!!! <3

    8. Song or dance? (How can you not want both? They go together!) Dance. Being sung to is super amounts of awkward. I've had a guy sing to me before and I didn't know where to look lol!!!

    9. Mountains or beach? Just because I'm surrounded by mountains I'd like the beach!!!

    10. Hot or cold? Cold

    Okay I don't usually pick one or the other I usually say in-between so we're lucky I'm in a decisive mood ^_____^!!!

  3. 1. Chocolate
    2. Summer
    3. North
    4. East
    5. Quiet night in
    6. Tulips
    7. Convertible
    8. Dance
    9. Mountains
    10. Hot

  4. 1. Chocolate or peanut butter? Chocolate

    2. Summer or winter? Summer

    3. North or south? South

    4. East or west? West

    5. Wild party or quiet night in? Quite night in

    6. Roses or tulips? Tulips

    7. SUV or convertible? SUV

    8. Song or dance? Song

    9. Mountains or beach? BEACH

    10. Hot or cold? Hot

  5. 1. Chocolate or peanut butter? chocolate
    2. Summer or winter? summer

    3. North or south? north

    4. East or west? east

    5. Wild party or quiet night in? (Another quiet night in might put me over the edge.) wild party

    6. Roses or tulips? tulips

    7. SUV or convertible? convertible

    8. Song or dance? (How can you not want both? They go together!) song

    9. Mountains or beach? beach

    10. Hot or cold? hot

  6. 1. Chocolate or peanut butter? Chocolate.

    2. Summer or winter? Summer.

    3. North or south? South.

    4. East or west? East.

    5. Wild party or quiet night in? Wild party.

    6. Roses or tulips? Tulips.

    7. SUV or convertible? SUV.

    8. Song or dance? I suck at both. Song.

    9. Mountains or beach? Beach.

    10. Hot or cold? Hot.

  7. 1. Chocolate or peanut butter?
    Both, together!

    2. Summer or winter?

    3. North or south?
    South, but not Florida.

    4. East or west?

    5. Wild party or quiet night in? (Another quiet night in might put me over the edge.)
    Quiet night in.

    6. Roses or tulips?

    7. SUV or convertible?
    Definitely convertible.

    8. Song or dance? (How can you not want both? They go together!)

    9. Mountains or beach?

    10. Hot or cold?

  8. 1. Chocolate
    2. Winter
    3. North
    4. West
    5. Quiet night in
    6. Roses
    7. SUV
    8. Song
    9. Mountains
    10. Cold


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