Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Question of the Day #1,123

1. Make and deliver two veggie lasagnes to client. Done.
2. Make cranberry sauce for Beach House Thanksgiving. Done.
3. Make Butternut Squash Soup for Beach House Thanksgiving. Done.
4. Make and deliver two mac and cheeses to client. Not done.
5. Make and deliver one string bean casserole to client. Not done.
6. Bid on storyboarding project for business client. Done.
7. Write a QOTD. Almost done.
8. Cook and cook and keep on cooking until it's time to eat tomorrow afternoon...

What does your holiday to-do list look like?



  1. Making two veggie casseroles and driving to my son's.
    I get off easy this year.

  2. It's just the three of us, so the timetable is pretty loose. Warm up the already cooked chicken from the Honey-Baked Ham company, make a pumpkin pie, cook squash, green beans and stuffing, open the can of cranberry sauce, watch the Macy's parade, go for a walk with my daughter.

  3. nothing like yours... wake up, eat, shit, play golf, watch football, eat, burp, nap, wake up to 4th quarter of game, eat more, drink, & relax.. its gonna be exhausting.. I;ll need friday to recover for sure

  4. I'm like Todd. Nothing planned I go over my cousins and play with my kids and eat & watch football.

  5. Read Thanksgiving story... check
    Put sleepy child to bed... check
    Set table for Thanksgiving dinner... check
    Enjoy having my parents all to myself this Thanksgiving...check

    And tomorrow our tiny little Thanksgiving party will eat dinner and go to the beach. :)

  6. 1. Buy newspapers for Black Friday Ads (although I don't do the shopping--I have work Friday)
    2.Turkey in oven at 9:30AM
    3. Baste often.
    4.Eat often.
    5. Nap (turkey'll get me every time)

  7. Oh and:

    6. Allow mouth to water thinking about that butternut squash soup Suzanne is making. Can it be e-mailed????? I love squash soup!!!

  8. Make a green bean casserole
    Go to friend's house
    Listen to music
    Watch TV
    Listen to more music
    Watch more TV
    Eventually come home stuffed
    Go to bed and get fatter!

  9. Mine wasn't too bad. I did make a sugar-free cranberry sauce this year, which turned out great. I did that ahead of time, along with boiling some eggs, and cooking mac & cheese for my youngest.

  10. No Thanksgiving for me up here in Canada! :P Hope you have an amazing Thanksgiving weekend!


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