Monday, November 14, 2011

Question of the Day #1,114

My computer is driving me crazy. last week, it suddenly decided it hates PowerPoint. Which is a problem because I'm working on a very big PowerPoint. It keeps "not responding" and shutting down. I checked for viruses. It's virus free. It just hates PowerPoint.


The truth is, it's old. It's tired. It's slow. It's cranky. I think I have to suck it up and get a new one.

What do you need to trade in for a new model?



  1. My old desktop died recently, leaving me with a black screen and a hole in my heart. I've got a laptop, too, but every time it burps now I hold my breath. I hope you find a replacement soon!

  2. My only advice is back up everything on your computer NOW. After that, buy yourself an iMac.

  3. I suppose (if I could afford it) I should trade in my car (a 1989 Buick Park Ave) for new one. But I love my car and with nearly 200,000 miles on it...why trading her in would seem criminal.

  4. The windows in my house are in definite need of replacement.

  5. Get a Mac - the transition is incredibly easy these days & Mac's are 10 times better - no crash, no virus

  6. My house. We need a bigger one. Fingers crossed that we'll start the new year off in a bright & shiny new place.

    ps... good luck with your technology woes. I don't have one but I'm with everyone else on the Mac.

  7. My Fred Flintstone flip phone that is 5 years old.It has taken a swim in the toilet and been dropped at least 10 times. The # key and the 7 key are sticky. It takes me 5 minutes to compose a short text message.

  8. Heh, my BODY. Seriously, two nights now I wake up with this awful pain in my GOOD knee. Sheesh. Getting old bites.

  9. Probably, of all things, my phone. However, I'm not a phone person and don't use mine like my husband does, so I'm in no rush. I'd rather have a new camera or iPod, but I don't need them either.


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