Thursday, June 3, 2010

Question of the Day #575

Recently, Dustin answered a QOTD so I checked out his blog and discovered that he's a 15 year old writer.

I immediately wondered what it would have been like to be able to blog when I was 15. Probably a little scary, because as a kid, I tended to offer up too much information. But, I've never journaled and blogging is the closest I've come to documenting any period of my life. And I think that if the technology had been available when I was a teenager I might have a better record of all those precious thoughts and feelings now.

So cheers to Dustin for blogging and writing at such a young age. If you have a chance check out his blog.

What technology that's available now do you wish you had access to as a kid?



  1. The internet! I see my nephews using sites like Wikipedia and National Geographic to write school papers. The information they have is endless. "Back in my day" we had to go to the library, find the right encyclopedia and make a photo copy of the info we needed...And, type and print our papers and physically hand them in. Now, everything gets e-mailed to the teachers. Parents can keep track of their kid's homework, grades, etc. all on-line.

  2. It's a toss up between the internet and cell phones. Seriously, what was the deal with going to the library, using a card catalog to find a book, or looking something up in an encyclopedia?! What a waste of time. And the whole cell phone thing, I mean did we like arrange to meet at a certain time and place and I'd have to stand around waiting for whomever was running late???? Terrible. Thank you, God, for inventing the internet and cell phones.

  3. Email! Definitely email. How much easier that has made my life!

  4. Wish I could post an original answer, but, I can't. Internet and cell phones. It would be hard to live without one of them.

  5. I wish the Internet and blogging had been around way back when for me too! I'm not sure my parents would have been so happy about it, thought. LOL

  6. I had the internet, at least when I was 18. But none of the social networks of today like Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, Myspace, etc...

  7. I'm sooo thankful that I didn't keep a diary and wasn't able to blog when I was a teen. All that sturm und drang!!! I would hate to have to read my words from that time. Just thankful I actually grew up and got a life!

  8. iPods! Not sure how I lived without one as long as I did.

    I was into pen palling as a kid, so letter writing was my thing. I suppose blogging is similiar, except that anyone can see it.

  9. A soft ball bat or maybe a tennis racquet. No kidding. I had a record turntable for goodness sake!! What more could one ask for.

  10. Cell phones! Although having the internet would have been handy, too.

  11. Computers, word processing and graphics applications, and the Internet.

    MP3 technology would have been great. You wouldn't have had to wait for the DJ's to stop talking before you could record the song off the radio. lol!

    DVDs and portable players would have helped those long car rides too.


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