Saturday, April 10, 2010

Question of the Day #521

Today I'm attending SCBWI's So. Cal Writer's Day. This year's guests include Rachel Abrams, Assistant Editor, HarperCollins Children's Books, Jill Corcoran, Agent, Herman Agency, picture book author Lisa Wheeler, middle grade series author Kathleen O'Dell, and Young Adult author Libba Bray. Also, Professional Forum speaker author Nancy I. Sanders will detail how to create a Virtual Book Tour.

I'm excited to hear what everyone has to say, but most of all, I'm psyched to soak up the crazy energy writers create when we all get together.

What kinds of events vibrate good energy for you?



  1. I love SCBWI events!!! I wish I was there today!!!! Enjoy. : )

  2. SCBWI conferences, Anderson's Bookstore conferences, Chicago Tribune YA book awards....just about all programs involving writering/writers. (BTW, I saw Libba Bray at Anderson's YA conference last fall.)

  3. My kids events....Baseball, Karate, etc...

  4. I'd love to go to a writer's convention sometime. I've been to homeschool ones, and they always leave me refreshed and ready to go.

  5. So good to see you yesterday. That was a blast, wasn't it? *sigh* I'm revved to write but fighting exhaustion this morning. Maybe a nap first.


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