Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Question of the Day #1,053

This one was scribbled in my notebook during giggle fits (over absolutely nothing) that just wouldn't stop:

You know you're good friends when __________________.

How would you fill in that blank?



  1. you go with them to Florida next week!
    (I'm going with my 3 besties from hs. We've never done something like this before!)

    And I expect a lot of fits of giggles.

  2. ...they help you hide the body.

    Oops. I mean, you can talk to them about anything and they still like you. Yeah. That's what I really meant.

  3. When you can go months and months (even years) without chatting and pick it up like no time has passed.

  4. you can call them at midnight because you rode in the ambulance with your husband and now you're stuck in the emergency room and your car is ALL the way downtown, where you were having a nice quiet dinner before all hell broke loose. And then they come and get you, no questions asked.

  5. ...when you can just be yourself.

    ...when you don't talk or see one another for a long time and you just pick up where you left off.

  6. I'm with Lisa D & Kristen... like no time has passed. :)

  7. they hose off the porch without saying a word.

  8. You can call in the middle of the night for ANY reason.

  9. ... they contact you totally out of the blue to see how you're doing.

  10. You can sleep next to each other and not have sex...

  11. you literally trust them with your life

    I just realized how much I love and trust a couple of my friends the other day and how I'm lucky :)


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