Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Question of the Day #314

If you went on an African safari, which animal would you be most interested in seeing?

I think I'd like to see leopards in action. There's something super cool and edgy about them. Plus their spots make the hottest shoes.




  1. Are there koala bears in Africa Suzanne? You know that's the only animal I like.

    Going on a Safari and having animals chase after me scares the beejesus out of me.

    I do like giraffes though. They have the best view on all the action! He he

  2. I think I'm with ya on the leopards. That would be very cool.

  3. I'd like to watch the lions. So majestic and so ferocious. Did I ever tell you I had a crush on Simba from the Lion King? Well, that's a different story...

  4. Yes, definitely the leopards ... and the lions too!

  5. A lion of course, I want to see the king!!

  6. Wow Suz - I would have thought the hippo would have been your first choice. I wonder how Henry feels about that...hmmm? This is a tough one. There are so many amazing animals to be seen on an African safari. I think any one of them would fascinate me.

  7. Okay, I'm back again. Tigers aren't in Africa are they? I'm back to lion! :)

  8. Oh dear, that's a hard choice for a safari. I would love to see as many animals as possible - that would be a real excellent visit. How about the hippos, those heavy , bulky animals to watch.

  9. I think I would like to see a cheetah? The cat, not Tarzan's monkey. :)


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