Tuesday, July 22, 2014

What's the Weirdest Gift You've Ever Been Given?

A few years ago, my very funny Aussie friends brought me this gem of a gift from their homeland.

Yes, that is indeed a bottle opener anchored in petrified kangaroo testicles. It's quite a conversation piece at parties.

What's the weirdest gift you've ever been given?



  1. That is definitely weird!
    When I was in fifth grade, my sister gave me a beautifully wrapped box for Christmas. It was a box full of rabbit poop. :) Years later when we were in our twenties, I gave her the same gift (I had to make a strange request to a friend who had a bunny!)!

    1. Whaaat?! What brought on the rabbit poop? That's hilariously weird. ;)

    2. We had a pet rabbit. :) The funny thing about it is my parents got mad at my sister for doing that but they have a really good sense of humor and I'm surprised they didn't die laughing. But it is really funny now!

  2. Almost bought a fur "weenie-warmer" in New Zealand, but I had no idea who to give it to!

    1. Your response made me cackle! Who knew the people down under had such a fascination with southern body parts?!

  3. Wow, that IS a weird one!

    Once a pen pal sent me this box filled with beautifully wrapped Christmas presents. Feeling guilty, I went out and picked out some nice things for her as well. Come Christmas morning when I opened them, I discovered her gifts were a bunch of food items — not even speciality food stuffs, but things she had lying around the house. o_O

    1. Wow. That's weird. How do you even respond to that? Um, thanks?

  4. How about a moose poop keychain? It's actually my son's, though. He bought a kangaroo testicle pouch for himself.


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