Saturday, March 24, 2012

Question of the Day #1,244

Purging is hard. You know you have to get rid of all that stuff in your closet, but there are some things you just don't want to let go of.

What do you need to let go of?



  1. A particular scene in my story. No! I don't want to get rid of it or change it or purge it. Please don't make me.

  2. Not too much. I left a lot in L.A.

  3. Well,I started "purging" the storage area and the garage. Huge achivement!! and now I need to"purge" the crawl space. That may be more difficlult, but needs to be done. Lots of stuff and history there. More to come:)

  4. When you've moved 3 times in 6 years,each time to a smaller place, there's already been a lot of purging.

  5. I think it's definitely time to let go of the "when I lose 10 lbs" jeans. I wouldn't mind purging those pounds though!

  6. I need to get rid of my clothes!
    Since I'm moving in about a month, I really do need to get rid of them, haha. And I'm working on it :)

  7. I just got rid of a ton of clothes. What I really need to let go are negative feelings regarding my childhood and family.


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