Friday, May 14, 2010

Question of the Day #555

Plot. Looks simple huh? Well, I've been complaining about plot troubles for weeks now. And I am pleased to announce that after lots of brainstorming walks, discussions with my critique group and way too many ideas gone pancake flat, I've formed a plot!

Since Monday, I've pounded out 33 pages. And I haven't even started writing today. It's pouring out of me. And it feels AMAZING.

Is it the perfect plot? Who knows? After revisions, it may not look anything like it does now, but my novel finally has a shape, a story, a plan. And my characters are running with it.

I am thrilled!

What good news would you like to share on this awesome-ist of Fridays?



  1. YES! Congrats on your writing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Good news? My brother got a new job! I get to leave work at 2 pm today! The weather forecast for this weekend is fabulous and I'm going fishing!

  2. Celebrating birthday number 60 on Sunday and maybe birthday number zero of first grandchild who will be named Hailey Ann (unless they really blew the gender during the ultrasounds).

  3. And MAJOR congrats on the writing!!!

  4. That is great news! YAY! :)

    It IS a good Friday:
    - With a few simple words in an email, I made our accountant feel better today after she made a company-wide error.
    - An esteemed friend of mine sent me the nicest message, trying to inspire me to earn money from my 365 photos.

  5. Yay for good news!

    Yay for Suzie books!

    Yay for my son who is now potty trained!

  6. Yay for plot forming! I think that's a good chunk of the battle. Congrats!

  7. Space Shuttle launched today without issue. Hooray for exploration!

  8. Congratulations on your plot. I know how hard it is to get there. Good news for me is that both my girls are home, which means my entire family is here together! :)


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